
If God Made the Universe, Who Made God? 130 Arguments for Christian Faith is unavailable, but you can change that!

Perhaps you remember being in a university class, feeling frustrated when the respected professor dismissed questions from a student because of her religious faith. Or maybe over a business lunch one of your colleagues referred to Christianity as a fairytale, and you said nothing. Many Christians find themselves in such situations but don’t speak up because they don’t fully realize the...

a cause” and affirm “Whatever begins to exist has a cause.” To say “Everything needs a cause” would necessarily exclude an uncaused God. This is “question-begging” (assuming what needs to be proved). It’s like presuming that since all reality is physical (which can’t be demonstrated), a nonphysical God cannot exist. Third, why think everything needs a cause, since an uncaused entity is logical and intelligible? Through the centuries, many believed that the universe didn’t need a cause; it was self-existent.
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